WP1: Project management and coordination
is WP aims to perform coordination of the project to ensure SUNRISE’s success. Specific objectives of WP1 are to ensure that the project is effectively and correctly implemented, all tasks are developed according to scheduled times and project outcomes and deliverables respect the expected quality standards. Initially, it must ensure that the workflow is clear, well defined and monitor, track, and control deviations due to progress, financial, and scheduling changes.

WP2: Improving the UB laboratory infrastructure capacity
This WP supports the development of a state-of-art Real-Time Power System Simulation Laboratory. Activities of WP2 explore Real-Time Simulation and Hardware-In-the-Loop tools which are key for improving the impact of the research and technology transfer in the field of power systems. The goal is the implementation of a laboratory at the ETF with advanced testing capabilities of power system decarbonized technologies.

WP3: Training activities and working visits
The aim of this WP is to train UB researchers to get the full potential from the research equipment through virtual training and working visits. This WP includes the following activities: Virtual OPAL-RT – RTDS co-simulation training for UB researchers by TU Delft, methodology to speed up the experimental testing of power system technologies for UB researchers by US, and short-term research staff exchanges between ETF and EU partners

WP4: Enhancing R&I capacity through exploratory research projects
The aim of this WP is to implement joint exploratory research projects taking advantage of the training and technologies developed in the project. This WP will also strengthen the commitment and engagement of the partners. The selected topic of research is the decarbonization of the power system. Moreover, considering the advent of smart grid technologies, the focus will be placed on the distribution level.

WP5: Enhancing network with research community and industry
WP5 aims to enhance networking activities with the research community and stakeholders. It includes activities aimed at keeping updated with the latest research and improving possibilities for new collaborations. Actions that will ensure the achievement of WP5 goals are the organization of project-related events, namely two tutorials and two special sessions at conferences, two workshops with stakeholders, and two summer schools for early-stage researchers, and students.

WP6: Research management and administration skills for international R&I funding
This WP aims to improve the research management and administrative skills of the UB staff by fully utilizing the experience and best practices of the EU partners. Tasks that are included in this WP are the establishment of the Research Management Office, the organization of the administrative training workshops, and short-term visits of non-research staff of the ETF to the other partners’ premises with the main objective of sharing best practices on management and administrative issues.

WP7: Communication, dissemination, and exploitation
The main goals of WP7 activities are to raise awareness about the project scope and activities, to disseminate all project results and outcomes, to extend the impacts of the project, and to ensure the sustainability of the project. WP7 should ensure that the wide audience, especially those stakeholders who could be positively impacted by the SUNRISE are well informed about the project progress, activities and outcomes.