written by Unai Villena Camarero
Real-time simulation has become a fundamental tool for research, development, and training in power systems. This type of simulation allows us to emulate the behavior of electrical components and networks in near-real-world scenarios, facilitating validation and analysis without the inherent risks of physical testing environments.

Source: https://www.rtds.com/applications/power-electronics-hil
Since the late 1980s, the use of real-time simulators in electrical engineering has grown steadily. A noteworthy example is real-time simulation applied to the validation of protection systems, where physical equipment is connected to simulated models to assess the response of protective devices under different faults and abnormal conditions of the power system.
This approach has also been key in studying systems like high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission lines, whose complexity and cost make direct studies unfeasible in most cases. Currently, within the framework of the energy transition, it is widely used in studying microgrids, complex systems where it is necessary to optimize the integration of renewable energy generation and develop advanced control, monitoring, and protection strategies.

Source: https://www.opal-rt.com/microgrid-overview/
In addition, real-time simulation is proving particularly useful in engineering education, allowing students to experiment with complex models and operational situations that reflect the real behavior of physical systems. This methodology not only reduces the risks associated with physical system testing but also enables future engineers to gain practical experience handling complex situations that, in the real world, would have significant economic and safety implications.
For electrical engineering education, real-time simulation immerses students in an environment that mimics the dynamic behavior and challenges of modern electrical systems. One of its main advantages is the ability to replicate and observe how electrical systems react to a wide variety of scenarios. In this way, students can experiment with electrical faults, load variations, or abnormal behaviors, all within a safe and controlled environment.
Convinced of its potential, members of the Electric Power Systems Research Group (GISEL) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) have been promoting the use of this technology in academic projects (Final Degree Projects and Master’s Theses) among our students in recent years. An example of this is the following list of topics addressed in final projects by students from the School of Engineering of Bilbao, supervised in the last two academic years by faculty from the Department of Electrical Engineering at UPV/EHU, who participate in the SUNRISE project:
- Testing Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) for Protection Devices: Through HIL simulation, the student tested protection devices such as overcurrent and distance relays in an OPAL-RT simulator under fault conditions, ensuring safe and effective operation before real implementation.

Final Lab-set up for the transmission model, using the distance relay.
- Fault Detection in Electrical Grids with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation: This project studied the behavior of renewable sources like wind and solar energy during grid faults, analyzing how these technologies contribute to system stability through mechanisms like Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT), reactive current injection, and voltage support. For this, the student developed and tested a model using RSCAD software and a RTDS real-time simulator.
- Modeling of Electrical Substations: The student used MATLAB-Simulink to create a model of a 132/20 kV substation, later integrated into an OPAL-RT simulator. With this simulation, the student tested protection systems against short circuits and overloads, studying how currents change and how switches open in case of transmission line failures.
- Protection of Wind Generators: In this thesis, the student simulated a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine in real-time using the Typhoon HIL platform. This tool allowed tests under normal and fault conditions, improving understanding of protection in electrical networks that integrate renewable energy.

SCADA panel of the Wind Turbine with Doubly-fed Induction Generator model taken from the Typhoon HIL examples library. Source: https://www.typhoon-hil.com/documentation/typhoon-hil-application-notes/References/back_to_back_dfig_wind.html
- Distributed Energy Systems (DER): In this project, the student explored, through simulations on the Typhoon HIL platform, the behavior of a model consisting of four distributed energy resources: a storage system, a set of wind turbines, a photovoltaic plant, and a diesel generator.

Lab-set up for the model-in-the-loop-simulation.
The interest shown by students, their satisfaction after completing the projects, and the grades obtained encourage us to continue promoting real-time simulation in Final Degree Projects and Master’s Theses. We believe real-time simulation provides an advanced educational experience, fosters innovation, helps develop more comprehensive technical skills, and increases students’ ability to tackle the challenges of smarter, more sustainable electrical grids. It not only aligns with current trends in the electrical sector but also is essential for addressing the challenges of the energy transition.