Workshop: Challenges in the Digitization of the Power System

The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Dejan Gvozdić, while the introductory speech was delivered by Assistant Professor Jelena Stojković Terzić, who highlighted the main contributions of the SUNRISE project. During the panel, the newly established Smart Grid Laboratory, a result of the project, was also presented.

The workshop featured experts from various segments of the power sector, including Professor Manuel Barragan Villarejo from the University of Seville; Nikola Savić, Head of the Transmission System Operation Sector at EMS AD; Milan Đorđević, Head of the Technical System Improvement Department at EPS AD; Božidar Ćirić, Chief Expert Associate for SCADA and Process Techniques at ODS; Aleksandar Marjanović from Siemens; Jovan Dojić from Schneider Electric Hub; and Ivan Vasiljević from ABB Serbia.

During the discussion, participants explored the latest trends and challenges brought by the digitization of the power sector, as well as opportunities for collaboration between the industry and the Faculty as a scientific research institution.


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