
Facing the Challenges of the Energy Transition and Shaping Future Power Grids through Real-Time Simulation

written by Unai Villena Camarero As the world accelerates toward decarbonization, the role of power grids is undergoing a great shift. The integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into traditional electrical systems presents both opportunities and challenges. Modern grids must…

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Visit to Seville

Nevena Presic In Spain, everyone knew only about Maria (Jose Maria, Maria School, Maria Luisa Park, La Casa de Maria, etc.) and now they also met Nevena. Although at first glance the enhancement skills of the research and non-research staff…

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Tour de la Sevilla

Milovan Majstorović On the 7th of January, which coincided with Orthodox Christmas, Goran Dobrić and I travelled to Seville via Malaga. The first working day awaited us on Monday the 8th. That day began with a walk to the faculty,…

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