Belgrade University Electrical Engineering Team’s Productive Visit to Seville University

Belgrade University’s School of Electrical Engineering recently completed a significant visit to Seville University from January 8-12, 2024. The delegation, including Goran Dobric and Milovan Majstorovic, engaged in a series of technical sessions and discussions focusing on the development and testing of a Back-to-Back (B2B) Voltage Source Converter (VSC) prototype.

Highlights of the Visit

The five-day visit included a comprehensive schedule covering various technical aspects and collaborative activities:

  • Monday, January 8th: Detailed review of the B2B converter prototype, PCB design, and auxiliary devices, along with a discussion on PLC programming and operation.
  • January 9th – 11th: Intensive training and experimental sessions on open-loop tests, current controller DQ, power controller DQ, and STATCOM. These activities were conducted with the guidance of Seville University experts.
  • Friday, January 12th: Strategic discussions on future research opportunities and collaboration, including potential EU projects and research topics such as energy hubs and prosumer integration.

Outcomes and Future Collaboration

The visit was marked by a fruitful exchange of ideas and expertise, enhancing the understanding of the B2B VSC prototype. This experience sets the stage for further joint research and development initiatives.

Both universities anticipate continuing their collaboration, with plans to initiate joint projects starting in March 2024. Belgrade University will focus on establishing a dedicated laboratory setup to facilitate ongoing research and experimentation.The collaborative visit by Belgrade University to Seville University represents a step forward in fostering academic partnerships in electrical engineering. The shared knowledge and experiences from this visit are expected to contribute significantly to future research projects and technological advancements in the field.

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